Increase daily limit for Trace
Steve Cowden
First off, I love this tool! You have no idea how much time it saves me and my Web Designer! He even told me yesterday that it saves him on average 7 minutes per product not having to erase backgrounds. So to say Trace has become invaluable to my company is an understatement. I did notice though that you guys implemented a limit per day though which makes it tough and really slows things down now because after 3 or 4 items you're forced to wait now. I don't know anyone that only works on so few products at a time then stops. Instead of a limit per day how about a limit per hour or shorten the wait time to a few hours instead of the next day?
Sticker Mule
Merged in a post:
Please - let me pay to use the tools (like trace more)
james veall
Also sample packs - charge me more for a broader selection of items - stickers, mugs, t-shirts.
I'm happy to pay more! Like $100+ for the right selection.
Sticker Mule
Merged in a post:
Trace Tool - Paid Plans for Unlimited Images or a Photoshop Plugin
Raphael Areas
I work with social media and cut images take a lot of time, the trace tool give awesome results and have a plan for that wuold be awesome. The brazilian market would love it. Since cost per image it is unfeasible for most proffessionals. Thanks and congratulations for the awesome tool.
Raphael Areas
I just upload some related idea. It would be nice to have more images per day or even a paid plan for unlimited images. Or even better a Photoshop plugin directly on Creative Cloud App.
Grace Wiles
Yesss seriously! I'm a graphic designer and do a lot of product photography. I found this tool and fell in love with it, it saves me so much time. I wish there was an option to purchase unlimited access!
Eric Worden
I completely agree, as I absolutely love this trace program! Maybe even offer a subscription plan? Anything other than the daily limit of 5 please :D
Sticker Mule
Bob Millard
Sticker Mule trace tool appears to be down. Agree with others it works flawlessly and love/need to use it for orders. Thanks in advance!!!!