Eco-friendly packaging
Sticker Mule
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Eco friendly/Sustainable
Marina Vlaykova
I would love you sooooo much more if you offer more eco-friendly products. For example in Packaging - I want to order a custom packaging, but they are all plastic. Now I need to choose between my values and business quality...I wish I have both! So I am sill thinking.....
Thank you for your time and I am very happy to see I am not the only one suggesting these changes.....I am sure you are considering too!
Sticker Mule
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Environmental Friendly Envelopes
Terry Irons
Would love to see some packaging options to order that are not plastic.
Sticker Mule
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Use recyclable shipping material
Erin Clark
I order a lot from Sticker Mule, and I'd love to see you use materials that don't go straight into the landfill for shipping.
Sticker Mule
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Printed packaging
Valerie Shaw
Custom printed blister/bubble packaging or eco-friendly packaging to ship fragile items.
Daniela Luna
I cannot believe this is here since 2019 and they haven't give an solution for this. I am new using this company and I am really happy with pricing, quality and fast service.
But I really encourage you to change the Plastic mailers you can use cardboard envelopes or small boxes.
I am currently trying to decide if continuing ordering from you because of it, it is to much waste.
Please consider
Sticker Mule
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Get rid of the bubble wrap and plastic shipping materials!
Jennifer Gordon
I just wanted you to know that although I love the quality of the stickers (thank you!), I am disappointed that you use bubble wrap packaging and an unnecessary plastic bag in addition to shrinkwrap. It would have fit just fine in a cardboard version of the envelope, and the extra plastic bag was unnecessary. I even think the labels could be wrapped simply in a piece of paper (recycled would be best) to keep them together. Since we are a store striving to eliminate single-use plastics, we may not order from you again unless you decide to change your packaging practices.
Bea Corona
+1 on this. Get rid of all plastic, including the ones wrapping the stickers. And also it would be great to see more sustainable approach to your products and what you're doing as a company around climate consciousness. I'm going to look for alternatives and will not be using you until you change the packaging and prioritise sustainability.
Bea Corona
+1 on this. And also it would be great to see more sustainable approach to your products and what you're doing as a company around climate consciousness. I'm going to look for alternatives and will not be using you until you change the packaging.
Sticker Mule
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Ethically sourced product materials/fair trade
Stephanie Page
Fidget Zaftig
Eco friendly is important when we're already contributing to carbin footprint by creating more merch. There are tons of ways to go greener with mailers
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