Back slit stickers for easier peeling
under review
Sticker Mule
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Hard to peel
Leilani Williams
We have gotten a TON of feedback about how hard it is to peel the backs off the the stickers. I have asked before about a split back option and was advised you don't offer it because it leaves a line in the stickers. There has to be another option. We used to use another company (quality no where as good as yours), but when you went to peel the stickers, there was a skinny rim left on the backing, so you were able to peel it from the front. Is that an option? (We are not looking to do all of our decals Kiss Cut bc we don't have a need for some much space around the stickers)
Sticker Mule
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Not easy to peel
Richard Jaramillo
You guys are a great company. Quality Stickers I have been ordering. I currently have an order and I wanted to offer feedback. Is there any way you could design a sticker that offers a "slit" to peel off the sticker? The back of every sticker is a process getting it off without damaging the artwork. My CURRENT ORDER: R103738415
fuck stickermule
nevermind get a better CEO first
Laura Alexander
I hope this will be achievable
Joe Motsinger
Yes, we need this.
Yens E. Jacobs
Ahh, finally! I really hope this is something that is attainable by StickerMule. I think many of my stickers that I give away are ruined because the backing is very difficult to remove!! So, yes please to Back Slit Stickers �
Sticker Mule
under review
Arman Nobari
About time.
Sticker Mule
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Crack & Peel
Randy Prasse
Please add a crack & peel back option for the stickers. These are very challenging for guys without nails to peel and place!
Sticker Mule
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Back-slitting is needed!
Barbara Gariepy
I agree with the many comments below. You need to add a Back Slit on the stickers for easier peeling and allow customers to pay extra to have it (i.e. crack and peel backing).
Unfortunately because of this I will have to order elsewhere which is a shame because I really like the stickers you produce!
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